Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Marketing ≠ Advertising

It's time to address a very common misunderstanding in the world of small business and marketing!

annoying banner ad
Just looking at this picture of an annoying banner ad gives me a headache!
When most people hear the word “Marketing” they think of a huge, annoying banner-ad stretching across their screen or a cheesy salesman in a baby-blue suit. This common misconception is severely hurting the small business industry. Business owners are spending tons of money on advertising but neglecting to focus on their marketing system as a whole. This eBook helps demystify the difference between MARKETING and ADVERTISING.
annoying banner ad
Ever seen one like this? I feel like I could catch a disease just by clicking
The companies that make such tasteless ads (such as the one on the very bottom of this post) are making it increasingly harder to appeal and reach our target demographics. Most small business owners get a call from an Ad Company and decide to blindly give it a try. This in itself is actually good for a business, as not advertising will inevitably lead to failure. The problem arises when the consumer becomes desensitized to the never-ending proliferation of ads and "specials", thus reducing the Return on Investment (ROI). When the campaign is assessed the numbers are usually not what the business owner or manager had hoped for. This usually leaves a "bad taste" in the mouth of the owner and will typically deter them from using a marketing or advertising firm in the future. Well as we all know, if you decide to stop advertising and marketing you might as well stop competing in your market, pack up and call it quits. Unfortunately this is happening at an alarming rate in the United States. Join me in getting small business owners back on track.
Advertising is just one small piece of what makes a great marketing system. Trying to gain new customers and keep them coming back is proving to be harder than ever before. Consumers are now desensitized to most banner ads, sponsored search results and most generic forms of paid advertising, leaving small business owners, who don’t have an endless supply of cash, paying too much for their traffic. This is just the tip of the iceberg! Download my free ebook at and see what easy changes you can make to increase your return on marketing and advertising investments (ROI) without increasing spending.
annoying banner ad
By far the worst!

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